Tag Archives: Terry Brooks

Filler Up: Wizard at Large Review

Wizard at Large
by Terry Brooks

Genre: Fantasy, Adult
Pages:  303 pages

Summary: It all began when the half-able wizard Questor Thews announced that finally he could restore the Court Scribe Abernathy to human form. All went well until the wizard breathed the magic dust of his spell and suddenly sneezed. Then, where Abernathy had stood, there was only a bottle containing a particularly evil imp, who soon escapes.

BARON REVIEW: The Wizard at Large was an interesting look at the side characters of Questor and Abernathy. I sort of saw this book as an attempt to redeem them both for their petty actions in the previous book. Abernathy used to be one of my favorite characters until he was a royal jerk in The Black Unicorn. I think this book did a decent job at redeeming them. Even if on a whole, this book felt like the filler episode in a long running TV series.

It was an interesting story. I liked Elizabeth. And Michel Ard Rhi seemed a truly formidable opponent even though we are never show why he was doing what he was doing. In fact, I don’t think we are even shown WHAT he was doing exactly. By the way it was hinted at, it made me think that Michel raped dogs. Disturbing as that thought was, I was never proved wrong.

This book didn’t really answer a lot of questions it brings up. And I felt like Michel, like Meeks, was dealt with far too easily. So because of that, an otherwise enjoyable read did lose a few stars.

Quality: ★ ★ ★  3 out of 5
: ★ ★ ★  3 out of 5
Rereadable: I might pick it up again if I ever reread the series. But as a stand alone, it’s just so-so.
Overall: ☺ Good book

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