Tag Archives: Silent Hero

Why Did I Read This?: Silent Hero Review

Silent Hero
by Christine E. Schulze

Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Fanfiction
Pages:  130 pages

Summary: The Triforce, that golden entity set in place by the three goddesses to protect all Hyrule, has been broken-into nine shards instead of three this time. Darkness creeps along the fringes of not only Hyrule, but also of Termina and Twilight. These three realms, intimately linked, can only be rescued by…
A young boy who cannot speak but whose courage will emanate louder than any evil he faces.
A princess as timeless as the shadowy realm from which she returns.
These two Heroes against three great enemies: Ganondorf, Majora, and the young, ambitious Zaruman, who connects both guardians and enemies of the three realms in ways which the heir of Link could never imagine…
In a race against time and in a mission which breaks the boundaries of time, Hero and Princess must combine courage and wisdom to collect the notes of a powerful requiem and use their knowledge of the ancient legends to press forward and resurrect a mighty weapon from Hyrule’s past. Aided by a strange voice, Great Fairies, and their own intuition, will they succeed like the Hero who came before them?
Can darkness and light converge without creating shadow?

BARON REVIEW: If Stephanie Meyer wrote a Zelda fanfiction, I imagine it would read like this. I’m sorry. That would probably be a slight against Meyer. Despite how much I dislike her vampire novels, even she probably doesn’t deserve to be tied to this mess.


But then again, they didn’t deserve it either.

This novel (if it could even be called such) lacks conflict, good characters and heart. Even the love story, which seems to be the main premise, is flat and dull. I have to wonder if the author was as bored writing this as I was reading it. The villains aren’t even introduced until the last few chapters. I was starting to wonder if they’d ever make an appearance. Even in the games, for those of you who haven’t played (which seems to make up the majority of the positive review commentary), Gannon showed up to mess with Link every now and then. You’d think the villains would make some sort of effort to stop them. Most of the time, Midna and Link were just handed the objects they were questing for. No trial. No effort. Made for a very dull read.

The villains were really off their A-game. You had to wonder if they were just slacking off, eating popcorn, and waiting for the hero to arrive. Maybe they were playing a little Ocarina of Time themselves. They certainly weren’t in this novel.

I told myself that I wouldn’t bother going into detail about how illogically Link’s muteness is handled. But it infuriated me so much, I just can’t help it. Humans are social creatures. Without some form of sign language or writing system, Link would be an extremely frustrated and angry young man. The Kokiri are jerks for not bothering to teach Link how to communicate beyond ’emotional eye gestures’ which I swear don’t exist outside of romance novels.


This gif sums up the book better than I ever could.

It’s a fanfiction. There’s hundreds more like this story on a site called Fanfiction.net. And I dare say there are many much better than this one. If you paid for this book, then you were ripped off (though I think its currently going for free as an ebook).

In conclusion, this book stinks. Even if you are a Zelda fan, don’t bother reading it.


Or, at the end of the book, this will be you.

Quality: ★  1 out of 5
: ★  1 out of 5
Rereadable: You can’t make me.
Overall: ☹ Bad book

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